Приблизительный список вопросов по тесту КСР Английский язык. Вопросы взяты из открытых источников в сети. 

Here are the books he gave us.
Knowing English well he was able to read this magazine.
The underground appeared in Paris later than in London.
The railways have to use all most modern scientific and technical achievements.
The first question of the agenda having been desided upon, the conference passed the resolution.
The manager English well he was able to read this magazine for equipment.
The scientists having completed the analitical work, they worked out the plan of experiments.
The goods having been unloaded, the workers left the station.
Many stations needed rebuilding and there was a shortage of rolling stock.
Mendeleyev predicted that the vacant places in his table would be filled by yet unknown elements.
Having finished the translation he typed it.
The equipment used in our shop is very expensive.
The foreman said that his workers were testing the new machine in the workshop.
The results obtained showed that ….
The speaker announced that the problem of water pollution was one of the most important ones.
When asked he refused to answer the question.
The methods we have just described are very effective.
Our engineer being a well-known expert, he was send to the conference.
Not finding this engineer at the station, I left a note for him.
It is reported results of his experiment are high.
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We did not know where she would live
A railway line connects the village with the town
What speed record did the ER-200 express, departing from Moscow for St. Petersburg, set?
What is the average annual tonnage of railway lines in Russia?
How many years would the builders have dragged out the construction for, if they followed the usual practice?
When did the builders do much of the work?
What has become an indispensable part of rolling stock designs?
What caused a dramatic change in favour of the railways?
Who helped to build Siberia's first underground line?
What complications did engineers and workers encounter during construction of the central part?
What speed does a federal high-speed railway transport development program envisage?
What can make the high speed a standard?
How many workers employed in the project at the beginning the Trans-Siberian Railroad construction?
How many trains do any Russian railway lines handle daily?
Where are the railway networks expanding?
What happened near the city of Tver?
What section of the Trans-Siberian Railroad construction was relatively easy?
When was the official start of the Trans-Siberian Railroad construction?
What countries have a high-speed railway network
What part in its construction was played by the state? 
Are there blueprints for the Metro construction anywhere else in Siberia? .
Our scientists are making wonderful discoveries -
Electric and diesel traction play a leading role in handling traffic.